Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Why this blog?

This blog's aim is to fill a gap I've noted in the available media and therefore (I hope) promote geriatrics as a profession for anyone considering it and care of the aged in general.

There are many excellent blogs that skirt around this topic, but none (that I've found) that focuses on the experience of someone who has chosen geriatrics as a career and their experience training in that field.

This is an anonymous blog, because this isn't about me, its about what I do. Also I will be discussing (also anonymously) events that I have been privy to and to further protect the privacy of those involved it's important that I remain anonymous too. I will say that I am in Australia.

The scope of this blog is not a comprehensive guide to geriatrics or aged care. I do hope to share some of my insights into geriatrics in order to improve others' knowledge and practice. I won't be reviewing the latest evidence in geriatrics. I will be sharing some of my personal feelings about geriatrics and my experiences in training. Lets begin.

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